This page is not intended for general public access. Please contact me if you are interested in my "make someone else happy "art project.
last millenium career start
enjoying old school full size clay development
exterior sketches
busy leading the development
press launch posing in Paris
Previous life
Workplace of choice
Today, the majority of what I create -virtual or in real life - starts or ends on the digital desk.
Designing, illustrating (and building) "the house"
Converting my telephone exchange office into a cosy loft whist of course safe guarding the industrial aspect of the building. I use the same design philosophy as for designing cars.
Lines align and take your eye around the scene in a fluid motion....
the garden table footprint matches the footprint of the terras, which is aligned with the trees. 'The table design further suggests being in motion
heavypaint stuff
I recently discovered Heavy paint and It was ages ago that I had this much fun (and got frustrated) with "painting by hand"
Just for fun design
when an idea comes, it needs to come out...
...and it is always a good excuse to learn new creative open source tools like Blender.
This Mower I created shortly after absolving Blender Guru*s Donut Tutorial
Wildlife photography
always travel with a camera
I always preferred the new, the never seen, the unusual,
over the safe and practical